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CIQ Headlines for February 20, 2007

New Comic Book Hub for MySpace–(Media Post) Demonstrating that the web these days is not all about video, MySpace is tapping into the popularity of comic books in their new hub. There have already been sponsors like Jeep, Mazda and Chrysler. CIQ: We believe organzing priciples like this will bring a much needed order to… keep reading →

Top 10 Conference Call Crimes

Conference calls are a necessary evil. Like the dentist. Many conference-call participants and organizers make it even worse than it has to be. Here are the Top Ten Conference Call Crimes. How many are you committing on a regular basis? 1. Multitasking/Not listening The long pause to hit un-mute. The stuttering, “Wait? What was that?” We… keep reading →

2008– The Year of Marketer-Generated Media

That’s the opinion of Ed Kim, interactive guru now on Unilever’s Slimfast brand. “2007 was the year of the consumer,” says Kim. But the next move will be where marketers create a more structured context in which consumers can participate. He cites J&J who is launching a documentary, essetially transforming from Pharma into Studio. Also… keep reading →

CIQ Headlines for March 6, 2007

Marketers: Blogs Need Packaging–(Ad Age) Marketers are lured by the idea of blogs. They’re hot, and seem to inspire passion among consumers. But the content is uneven, and the platform hard to control. CIQ: Interesting that there are now media companies who are guiding blog buys for marketers. Print Philly Inquirer Digest Mimics Web Site—(NYT)… keep reading →

CIQ Headlines for March 8, 2007

Unilever As Content Producer–(Ad Age) Unilever Exec says brands have to think digitally. The company administers digital IQ tests to its brand people. It also continues aggressively in the content-development space, with upcoming Dove webisodes produced by Penny Marshal. CIQ: Interesting that a brand, not tranditional content producer, is the one to recognize and fill the… keep reading →

CIQ Headlines for March 16, 2007

Girl Scouts on My Space— (Chicago Tribune) This article asks the question: If Thin Mints has a MySpace profile, has social networking jumped the shark? CIQ: Evidently Thin Mints only has only 200 friends. When it comes to digital media, marketers are always looking for the Next Big Thing, often without regard to results. Podcasting… keep reading →

CIQ Headlines for March 13, 2007

All Human Knowledge, But Not Really–(NYT) Libraries have digitized huge amounts of their collections– rare books, letters, images– because the new generation of researchers prefers, even expects, to be able to research online. But, there is simply not enough money to pay for everything to be scanned, with the result that, “entire swaths of political and cultural… keep reading →

Looking at women in tech

Q: How many women does it take to put on a tech conference? A: That’s not the point. Read more here.

Cyber Security Rules for Lawyers

I was, and still am, incredibly honored that New York Law Journal recently published my piece on cyber-security rules for lawyers. In my article, I outline how not to be a victim of cyber-attack, and how to make sure that you’re not the one putting yourself or your business at risk. You can read my full piece in New York… keep reading →

CIQ Headlines

Here are the headlines that make our CIQ antenna twitch P&G Boosts Social-Networking Efforts— Wall Street Journal (subscription required). We’re fascinated by the way CPGs have entered the content game. Some have been doing it since 1995. Ads Deeply Embedded in Video Games–Philadelphia Inquirer (Free). We don’t think this phenomenon is evil. We believe advertising… keep reading →