CIQ Headlines for March 6, 2007

CIQ Headlines

Marketers: Blogs Need Packaging–(Ad Age) Marketers are lured by the idea of blogs. They’re hot, and seem to inspire passion among consumers. But the content is uneven, and the platform hard to control. CIQ: Interesting that there are now media companies who are guiding blog buys for marketers.

Print Philly Inquirer Digest Mimics Web Site(NYT) In an effort to deliver news on the run, the Philadelphia Inquirer and sibling publication Daily News have come up with a short, color print digest that looks a lot like their web sites. CQI: Would this be better as an email newsletter?

New Survey: TV Networks Don’t Understand Digital–(Ad Week) According to the 360i report, networks use digital media to promote shows, but do not integrate these marketing efforts. Nor do they integrate the various content efforts that support shows. With the result that “fans of network shows get lost when shifting from various channels,” like blogs and fan sites. CIQ: The current owners and producers of content are some of the most behind in online skills. They must hire it or acquire it, then make cultural shifts to integrate it.