CIQ Headlines for March 8, 2007

CIQ Headlines

Unilever As Content Producer–(Ad Age) Unilever Exec says brands have to think digitally. The company administers digital IQ tests to its brand people. It also continues aggressively in the content-development space, with upcoming Dove webisodes produced by Penny Marshal. CIQ: Interesting that a brand, not tranditional content producer, is the one to recognize and fill the gap in online video content: Almost none of it appeals to women.

Order & Organization Begins in Online Video Space— (NYT) An internet startup, Next New Networks, with execs from MTV and Nickelodeon, will launch niche-type video websites on topics like home improvement, fashion, comic books, and cartoons. CIQ: We believe this kind of niche content with short-form video is the future.

Kids Cheat on MyPenguin–(Chicago Tribune) This site is a Second Life for kids where they get a virtual penguin and igloo. They waddle around, chat with other penguins and play games, which earns them virtual cash to fit out their igloo and dress their penguin. Now they can download cheats to get cash more quickly. CIQ: A similar story on Wired discusses they way people can artificially boost stories to the top of aggregation sites like Looks like click-fraud for the UCG world.