CIQ Headlines for March 6, 2007

CIQ Headlines

Marketers: Blogs Need Packaging–(Ad Age) Marketers are lured by the idea of blogs. They’re hot, and seem to inspire passion among consumers. But the content is uneven, and the platform hard to control. CIQ: Interesting that there are now media companies who are guiding blog buys for marketers.

Print Philly Inquirer Digest Mimics Web Site(NYT) In an effort to deliver news on the run, the Philadelphia Inquirer and sibling publication Daily News have come up with a short, color print digest that looks a lot like their web sites. CQI: Would this be better as an email newsletter?

New Survey: TV Networks Don’t Understand Digital–(Ad Week) According to the 360i report, networks use digital media to promote shows, but do not integrate these marketing efforts. Nor do they integrate the various content efforts that support shows. With the result that “fans of network shows get lost when shifting from various channels,” like blogs and fan sites. CIQ: The current owners and producers of content are some of the most behind in online skills. They must hire it or acquire it, then make cultural shifts to integrate it.   

2008– The Year of Marketer-Generated Media

CIQ Headlines

That’s the opinion of Ed Kim, interactive guru now on Unilever’s Slimfast brand. “2007 was the year of the consumer,” says Kim. But the next move will be where marketers create a more structured context in which consumers can participate.

He cites J&J who is launching a documentary, essetially transforming from Pharma into Studio. Also Dove. “What Dove did was to give consumers teh tools and the contect,” says Kim. The Dove campaign allowed users to contribute their own video or use a set of pre-defined movies to develop their personal commercial for Dove Cream Oil.  

Kim also sounds a jaded note on the constant pursuit of the next hot thing. “For marketers,” he says, “HTML is so last year. This year it’s all about video and UCG. Next year it will be something else.” He reminds marketers that user-generated content has been around for years. “Diet brands have been doing it for decades. It’s call ‘success stories.'”

CIQ Headlines for March 2, 2007

CIQ Headlines

Authors Gain Audience Through Podiocasts–(NYT) Snubbed by publishers or frustrated that books take so long to produce, many authors are developing a fan base through podcsting their books. CIQ:The book industry has been nearly as slow moving as the music industry, (though nowhere near as vile.) Their protection: The book is a perfect piece of technology. Which is absolutely true. But, an iPod is awfully nice as well. 

Netscape Founder Provides Community Toolkit For Free— (Washington Post) Andreessen’s new company called Ning will soon release a free toolkit allowing users to build a social network with a few mouse clicks. CIQ: The idea is that people will launch highly tailored social networking sites, away from the rabble of MySpace & Facebook.

Electronic Trading for Ads–(CNET) The four A’s has an effort called “eBiz for Media.” Also, eBay is looking to enter the space, connecting sellers of ad inventory with potential buyers in an electronic auction. CIQ: This is a great solution and much needed advancement in a business that is still done the old fashioned way and lacks transparency.

CIQ Headlines for March 1, 2007

CIQ Headlines

Insta-Book Tries to Catch Obama Wave–(WSJ) The problem with books is that they take so long to produce, delaying publishers ability to capitalize on crazes or popular trends. Black Dog & Leventhal pulled off a Barak Obama book in 2 weeks. CIQ: A good publishing development, if a little extreme. We opine that most books take way too long to produce.

Blockbuster in Talks with Movielink–(Reuters) The movie download site is owned by Hollywood studios. CIQ: This solves a problem for both sides, as Blockbuster battles against Netflix, and Hollywood battles against itself.

CBS Gets Serious–(Mediapost) The network has hired chief of ad sales at Google, Patrick Keane. His new job is to monetize CBS content on emerging platforms. CIQ: A necessary step. But new job titles aren’t enough. The big advantage of upstart companies is that they make decisions lickty-split and don’t have to deal with the inertia of established corporations.

CIQ Headlines for February 28, 2007

CIQ Headlines

Competition for Video Site Stars–(NYT) YouTube stars are being courted with offers from competetive sites. Some sites offer $5 per 1000 views. CIQ: Never mind the old route of getting an agent and trying to break into the biz.

New Route: MySpace to iTunes–(NYT) Tila Tequila has 1.7 million friends on MySpace, and is now launching a single on iTunes. CIQ: She’s also a former Playboy model, which probably helped. But still, there’s no record lable anywhere in this picture.

Magazine Association: Online Video Will Be Profitable— (Media Post) Forbes online video gets more views than CNN’s on TV, but the CPM is drastically lower. Will this last? The MPA says no. As CPMs catch up, online video will become profitable for magazines. CIQ: Traditional networks lag in posting online video. If mags catch on, they will become the new “broadcaster.”