CIQ Headlines for January 10, 2007

CIQ Headlines

One Device Determines the Futuer of Digital Rights–(Tech Crunch, free) Here’s an interesting twist on the issue of digital rights management: The iPod is so dominant that it has become the arbiter of digital rights. Labels must work with apple, or make a work DRM-free. Does this mean the iPod will kill all digital rights except at iTunes?

Big Budget Productions A Thing of the Past— (Marketwatch, free) This commentator sees the demise of big-budget Hollywood productions in favor of smaller “long tail” internet video. She predicts people will consume low-quality YouTube video. We see the potential for small, nimble creative production teams producing video content for the web.

Publisher’s Acquiring Ad Shops— (Media Post, free with registration) Cats marrying dogs? What’s next? Kidding aside, we see the unification of content and advertising a key CIQ trend. It makes us want to invent a new word, Covalence. See post on Covalence.