CIQ Headlines for April 16

CIQ Headlines

The Demise of the CMO–(Adweek) CMO’s are leaving their jobs at a fast clip. The latest announcement is from Kraft. The cause– ill-defined jobs and lack of connection with ROI. CIQ: This article makes a good point that, in order to be effective, CMOs need to be less about fuzzy marketing and more about data and analytics. Perfect territory for those in the online space who tend to be data-centric.

Thumb Your Way to Retail Therapy— (NYT) New services are letting you buy products simply by entering a text number. CIQ: A superb idea. We can really identify with one person who says, “I have stacks of things I’ve ripped out of magazines. At the end of the month, I have 50 things on my desk, and I’ve never bought them.”

Newspaper Sites Up 15%–(Center for Media Research) This according to research firm NAdbase. The report says that newspaper Web sites have contributed to a 13.7 percent increase in total newspaper audience for the coveted 25- to 34-year-old demographic and a 9.2 percent increase for 18- to 24-year-olds. CIQ: Good news for flagging newspapers. But CPMs must increase for the business model to continue to work.