CIQ Headlines for February 7, 2007

CIQ Headlines

Jobs Call to Abolish DRM –(Apple Site) The problem: Music bought for the iPod can only be played on the iPod, leaving Apple open to accusations (and lawsuits) of monopoly. In his persuasive essay, Steve Jobs calls for the abolition of digital rights that limit the distribution of music to authorized devices. CIQ: Advertising may help solve the question of how artists get paid. See today’s article.

Hollywood Concerned About Piracy— (NYT) Stars and studios went to Washington to voice concerns about piracy. Underscoring the number of jobs a $300 million movie creates, speakers implied they were all about the little guy. CIQ: First– are you kidding? Second, take note of the article above and the music industry. Stop worrying about piracy. Start worrying about innovative solutions.

Free Downloads Bleed from Music Industry’s Veins–(Information Week) Despite law suits, 1 billion digital tracks are traded for free each month. CIQ: Can you say, “Case in point?”