The Medium Affects the Content

CIQ Trends

When movies first came out, they looked like theater, just on screen. From a screen-writing perspective, that means there was lots of dialogue. You know, talking heads. It took movie makers a few years to get used to their new medium. Now we see long sweeping shots of landscape, and so forth. Movies are not just theater on screen. They are a whole new medium.

Now, we have so many new media. In the 21st century, how will media affect content? Some questions…

  • Video: On a small screen, like an ipod, the material works BETTER when there are talking heads, more like movies in the 20s and 30s. Are we headed backwards to an older form to accommodate the videopod?
  • Books: I am an audio book convert. A recent article in the New York Times suggests that because of the iPod, audio books in mp3 format are on the rise. Will books change? Will there be “books” that are simply issued for audio?
  • Short Stories: Consider the eBooks newly released by Sony and by Amazon. Fabulous devices for reading, they will probably be most in demand for their ability to allow the user to download periodicals and newspapers for reading on a plane or train. Short, consumable content. Makes me think of the short story. Could the eBook bring back the short story? Don’t even get me started on the use of the eBook by kids instead of textbooks.
  • Illustration: Again on the eBook topic, we know that illustrations/photographs are expensive to produce in printed form. Does the eBook bring into being a new form of more highly illustrated book?

CIQ Headlines for January 18, 2007

CIQ Headlines

Robo Creation— (AdAge) Pick-N-Click is a new technology that allows people to create banner ads through drop-down menus. Its most obvious use would be to allow a franchise to customize standard creative for very little cost. We wonder about this sort of application expanded to other uses. For example, I am using blog software right now to become a web publisher. Could I employ some similarly easy-to-use software to create animations and webisodes?

Brightcove gets $60MM–(MediaPost) A chunk of that was from the New York Times. The melding of print, user-generated content, and online video is a cats-living-with-dogs CIQ phenomenon.

3 Networks Vie for Online Traffic— (Media Daily News) Don’t touch that…er…address bar. The major networks are streaming shows from their websites and competing for traffic. This is a convergence trend where computer becomes TV. The iphone combines phone and ipod. What will the devices be for the future? Will we read, or listen? On what device? Will we make trips to the movie theater, or just to the big, surround-sound, flat-screen TV in our living room?


The CIQ Essences

*CIQ Essences

At Content is Queen, we believe we are currently in a transformational period for

Content (the creative product)
Media (the channel that distributes the creative product
Advertising/Subscriptions (The way the creative product is paid for)
This transformational period is analagous to the advent of movies, TV or radio. It is, a Lord-of-the-Rings style “turning of the tides” Continue reading

CIQ Headlines for January 17, 2007

CIQ Headlines

Social Networking Subscription Model–( Deloitte’s Technology Media & Telecommunications Practice in Ireland predicts trends for 2007. One of which is that older people will use social networking sites more and will be willing to pay for privacy. We agree, and believe that a cable TV model– where you pay one subscription fee and get access to varios “channels”– will come to the internet.

Bigger, Not Better for Advertisers– (eMarketer) New research suggests that so-called long-tail sites, niche sites with 1,000,000 or fewer viewers, are more effective for advertisers. A true CIQ phenomenon, democratising content and suggesting that small niche content can be monetized.

Needed in Viral: Good Storytelling– (Business Week) London Firm the Viral Factory is consulting with advertisers to make sure their viral efforts don’t backfire. We see this as a CIQ phenomenon. The principles for “good viral,” are the principles for good content or storytelling. It must be entertaining. It must have humor and conflict. In other words, it must meld advertising messages with what screenwriters have known forever.

A Business Proposition for Libraries– Part 2

CIQ Headlines

 There’s a business proposition that we think the New York City Public Library, and other similar large research institutions, are missing:

 What if I were not a resident of NY City? What if I were in Wisconsin? Now let’s say that the book I was looking for was critical to my research. (Here’s a secret about book writers doing research: They believe that EVERY book is critical to their research, most especially those ones they can’t get their hands on right away.) What would I be willing to pay for 30 pages of juicy content?

In answer, here are the services that the NYPL could provide…

1. Research assistance to identify the pages in the book critical to the research. ($70/hr, estimated time: 30 min)

2. Scanning services to digitize those pages. ($35/hr, estimated time 1 minute per page, estimated 30 pages.)

3. Rental of secure digitized document, delivered to your inbox, 15 uses permitted (NYPL already has this policy with audio books.) $15.

4. Total Cost: $70. Yes. I would be willing to pay that. In fact, a research budget of $500 on a book  is a very reasonable cost. That gets me seven researches with NYPL. That’s a LOT of good content.

For the project outlined above, The NYPL didn’t have to invest in any new technology. Until demand built up, it is likely that existing staff could handle the requests. They could also easily be outsourced. In addition, the NYPL now gets a lot of digitized content they didn’t have before. This works especially well with articles, which are self contained. But maybe the person scanning a portion of abook might scan more than the client requested, netting a whole chapter. Now, there is no up-front cost to renting this digital download again.